The High School Programs of Fleur de Lis

Our nonprofit organization in St. Louis, Missouri offers social, dancing, and etiquette programs designed to bring Catholic young adults in high school together. We are committed to upholding the traditions of teaching classical dances and etiquette.

Our Dance Class and Supper Dances are a great way to encourage social interaction. Interested families should contact our office to register.

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Dance Class Program

In this program, we’ll provide Catholic freshmen students with dance and etiquette instruction. We provide a total of four (weather permitting) Friday evening classes during fall and early spring.

Dance class enrollment begins in the fall of your child’s eighth grade year. In order to be considered for an invitation, please contact our office. Our roster fills up quickly, so please register your child early.


Dress Code

  • Young Men: Coat and Tie
  • Young Women: Modest Party Dress
Dance Class Photo
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Supper Dance

This program brings Catholic sophomores, juniors, and seniors together for a formal affair. Our organization holds three (weather permitting) black-tie dinner dances for our participants.

Our Supper Dance features a sit-down dinner and DJ to encourage dancing. Supper Dance may also include some trivia or an icebreaker game to encourage young adults to interact with one another.

Please note that this program is limited. Those enrolled in our dance classes will have first admittance.

Dress Code

  • Young Men: Black-tie
  • Young Women: Modest Cocktail Dress
Supper Dance Photo